Private Partners


Created in 1917 and recognised as being of public utility on 27 August 1921, the Fédération des Aveugles et Amblyopes de France - F.A.F. - brings together activists, users, professionals and volunteers who are committed to working together for the greater social and economic inclusion of visually impaired people.

More information about the F.A.F.—>]


The Union Nationale des Aveugles et Déficients Visuels (UNADEV), created in 1929 in Bordeaux, is a recognized association of assistance and charity. For 90 years, UNADEV has developed on the national territory thanks to its eight regional centres and numerous local partner associations. Our actions focus on three missions: Accompanying and helping visually impaired people for their social and professional integration; Raising awareness and informing the general public and decision-makers; Supporting medical research and the prevention of blindness.


Association Valentin Haüy
The Valentin Haüy Association was founded in 1889 by Maurice de la Sizeranne, with the aim of helping blind and partially sighted people to break out of their isolation and to provide them with the means to lead a normal life. The association has been recognised as a public utility since 1891 and is approved by the Comité de la Charte - Don en Confiance, an organisation that approves and monitors associations and foundations that appeal to the generosity of the public. For more than 130 years, the Valentin Haüy Association has pursued the objectives of its founder by relying on its numerous local establishments and its adapted services to best meet the needs of visually impaired people.


Created in the agricultural world more than 25 years ago, Mutualia remains rooted in rural areas, covering nearly half a million beneficiaries, individuals, farmers, self-employed workers and company managers. Mutualia is a not-for-profit organisation whose actions are based on strong values that it strives to uphold on a daily basis.
Since the creation of the Group in 2013, Mutualia has acquired a national dimension and thus ensures the defence of mutualist values in a competitive market. In 2017, it is continuing to build on this, with its three regional mutuals, which guarantee proximity to our members, and its Mutualist Union, which carries the Group’s voice.

Sud Radio

Sud Radio is a generalist French Radio broadcasting mainly in south of France and near Paris.


French Railroad Company